Saturday, 27, July, 2024

Gas production in Uzbekistan in April 2024 dropped to 3.7 BCM (BCM), the Statistics Agency said in the industrial production report today.

Year-on-year - compared to April 2023 - production fell by 6.1%, or 240 million cubic meters (MCM). 

In January-April, production volume topped 15.3 BCM, which is 5.9%, or 964.8 MCM, less than in the same period last year. 

If current production figures are kept (monthly average 3.82 BCM compared to last year's figure of 4.06 billion), by the end of the year the production reduction will be almost 3 BCM. 

Power generation in April increased to 7.67 billion kWh, which is 1.7 billion kWh (+27.6%) more than in April last year, and also 1.25 billion kWh more than the figure for March. 

In January-April, production amounted to 27.97 billion kWh, which is 7.2% more than the four-month figure for 2023. 

Monthly coal production fell by 25.8% compared to April last year, the volume amounted to 357.7 thousand tons (-124.7 thousand tons). In January-April, production fell by 9.8% to 1.33 million tons. 

Oil production decreased to 62.2 thousand tons (-1.3%, or minus 800 tons by April 2023). Over four months, production amounted to 241.3 thousand tons (-6.7% compared to the same period last year). However, this is the maximum since the beginning of October (63.9 thousand tons). 

In April, 103.4 thousand tons of motor gasoline were produced, which is 13.3% less, or 15.9 thousand tons, compared to April 2023 (119.3 thousand). In a four-month comparison, the reduction was 8% - from 504.6 thousand to 464 thousand tons. 

Diesel fuel production fell by 12.5% month-on-month - from 172.4 thousand to 150.8 thousand tons, although this is 71.3% more than March (88 thousand tons). When compared with January-April last year, the figure decreased by 4.6% - to 361.9 thousand tons. 

In 2023, gas production in Uzbekistan decreased by almost 5 BCM. The production of oil and gas condensate also decreased. While, coal production increased by 15.5% - to 6.2 million tons. The production of electricity, gasoline and diesel also increased. 

Last year, Uzbekistan imported more gas than it exported. The difference in supplies exceeded $165 million. analyzed the factors that led to this situation, despite the huge gas reserves within the country.

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