Когда-то мы опирались на силу природы и простые принципы жизни, но современный ритм лишил нас этой гармонии. Майкл Радуга и Ладо Охотников решили, что пора вернуться в утраченную эпоху — но с использованием технологий будущего. Сочетание глубоких научных исследований, передовых биотехнологий и персонализированного подхода к каждому человеку может сделать хорошее здоровье не просто нормой, а основой для устойчивого долголетия.
On December 21, the Science And Innovation Magazine and Uzreport TV will hold the annual Science And Innovation Awards 2024 at the Turkiston Palace to celebrate the sciences and award the scientists pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation for the benefit of everyone.
The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine fails to prevent mild and moderate cases of the South African coronavirus strain, researchers said Sunday.
Mr Streeck is a professor for virology and the director of the Institute of virology and HIV Research at the University Bonn. He explained the methodology of his new study in Heinsberg, the “epicentre” of Germany’s COVID-19 outbreak, and talked about potential plans for a country to move forward gradually in getting back to a “normal” life, RTL said.
Uzbek-Chinese Joint Microbiology Laboratory will be established. Such agreement was reached during the visit of Professor Kahramon Davronov, Director of the Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences to China.
This week Uzbekistan and Russia will sign Road map for the construction of the Suffa radio telescope, which was suspended after the collapse of the USSR.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke with representatives of the Academy of Sciences and research institutes, academicians, scientists, young researchers at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, the presidential press service reported.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev today visited the Nuclear Physics Institute under the Academy of Sciences, the presidential press service repported.
Cabinet of Ministers issued resolution Monday creating the Research Institute of Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics under the National University of Uzbekistan in place of the laboratory of physics of semiconductors and microelectronics at the physics department.
Samarkand will host the maiden international Mirzo Ulugbek Olympiad in physics and astronomy among the 10-11th graders from June 19-23, the Ministry of public education said.
On January 10 was held the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, during which the Academician, Bekhzod Yuldashev was elected as Chairman of the Academy, a statement of the Academy said. The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister, Abdulla Aripov.
Tashkent, November 10-11, will host an international physics symposium "New trends of development of fundamental and applied physics: problems, achievements and prospects".
From a vigil-like feeling in mission control as project scientists sat glued silently it was all that could be done when the first successful signal came through that the Trace Gas Orbiter had successfully entered Mars’ atmosphere.
An Immunology Research Center is to be created on the basis of the Immunology Institute of the Academy of Sciences.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced the Nobel prize winner in Economic Sciences. They decided to award the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2016 to
The Royal Swedish Academy Sciences has announced the winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2016.