Wednesday, 19, February, 2025

At its first session of the Legislative Chamber today, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev evaluated the work of the government over the past five years and announced the long term priority goals.

The agenda included consideration of the candidacy of Abdulla Aripov for the position of prime minister and the action program of the Cabinet of Ministers for the next five years.

At the beginning of his address, the head of state emphasized that in the current difficult times, the responsibility of all levels of the executive power, especially the government and its leader, for the implementation of the country's strategic and current tasks is rising like never before.

The president underscored that a government with completely new powers and tasks is now being formed.

For the first time, the obligations of the Cabinet of Ministers is enshrined in the Constitution in such areas as poverty reduction, food security, investment and the environment.

Today, the people expect specific results from the new government on these key issues, Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized.

Goals for the next five years

The president emphasized that in the current extremely tense and complex international situation, maintaining peace and harmony in the country, ensuring stable economic growth and reaching such heights was not easy.

In the next five years, the country's population will be at over 40 million. Such demographic growth is a great opportunity, but at the same time it poses "new and pressing tasks" for the government.

The needs of the population are especially increasing in such important areas as poverty reduction, ecology, energy, transport, roads, drinking water and housing.

The search for effective solutions to such urgent problems and a new form of activity will become a serious test for the government, the head of state said.

The president emphasized that the candidate for the post of Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, who was nominated and approved today, must take into account all these issues and present a program for their implementation.

Economic figures

The Uzbekistan - 2030 strategy sets ambitious goals for the government for the coming years.

In particular, it is planned to increase the country's GDP to 160 billion dollars.

The president underscored that initially some were skeptical about this, but thanks to timely measures and the use of all opportunities, the GDP is expected to reach 110 billion dollars this year.

If the new government and all senior officials work hard, maintaining the pace of reforms, continuing social, economic and political changes, then by 2030 it is possible to increase the economy to 200 billion dollars, he believes.

"I repeat once again: we have the strength, opportunities and potential to achieve these goals!" the president said.

The head of state outlined the key areas for the government.

First of all, it is necessary to maintain macroeconomic balance and ensure economic growth rates at 6-7% in the next five years. At the same time, the inflation rate should be kept at 5-6%, the budget deficit - within 3%, and the volume of annual lending should be increased to 30 billion dollars.

During this period, the government should develop at least $100 billion in foreign investment and increase the annual export volume to $45 billion, while increasing the share of finished products to 50%.

Taking into account all the possibilities, it is expected to increase the flow of foreign tourists to 15 million people in five years and the growth of tourism services exports to $5 billion.

At the same time, it is necessary to intensify the process of legalizing the informal economy, relying on digital technologies. In particular, in 2025, it is important to stimulate cashless payments and increase the share of online payments to 60%.

The president underscored that key activities within the framework of cooperation with the World Trade Organization have already been completed, and in the coming years the country will certainly become a member of this organization.

Poverty Relief Program

The "From Poverty to Prosperity" program was adopted in several districts. Now, based on a multilateral approach, individual support programs will be developed for members of low-income families, including high-quality education, vocational training, employment, health improvement and psychological assistance.

By 2025, it is planned to lift 1 million people out of poverty. This will be the main task of the economic block of the Cabinet of Ministers, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

To achieve these goals, 500 billion soums will be allocated from the budget for free education of children from low-income families in schools in foreign languages, professional skills and IT technologies. A program to improve the infrastructure in 1,000 mahallas with a difficult social situation will also be implemented, for which 2 trillion soums will be allocated.

In total, 46.5 trillion soums are planned to be allocated to reduce poverty and improve the well-being of the population.

The government will also be required to keep unemployment rate within 5-6% by 2030, which is the internationally accepted standard.

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