Thursday, 13, February, 2025

A draft Presidential Decree - "Uzbekistan’s Strategy for Further Development" (in Uzbek and Russian languages) has been published on the legal acts discussion portal.

The purpose of the Strategy for 2017-2021 is raising the efficiency of reforms, creation of conditions to ensure comprehensive and accelerated development of the state and society, setting the priority vectors for the country's modernization and liberalization.

As noted in the document, the comprehensive analysis of Uzbekistan’s independent development path and given the changing world economy and globalization, it is now required to work out and implement "absolutely new ideas and principles for further sustainable and rapid development of the country."

The Strategy includes five priority areas:

  1. Improving of state and social construction, aimed at further strengthening of the Parliament’s role in deepening democratic reforms and modernization of the country, development of the institutional framework of public administration and services, deregulation, introduction of the system of public services on the single window principle, further implementation of mechanisms of public control and strengthening the role of civil society institutions and the media;
  2. Ensuring the rule of law and reforming the judicial system, aimed at strengthening the real independence of the judiciary and protection of the civil rights and freedoms, improving access to justice, enhancing fight against crime and crime prevention, implementing of the adversarial principle in trials, improvement of system of legal aid and legal services;
  3. Development and liberalization of the economy, aimed at raising its competitiveness and openness, ensuring freedom of economic activity, strengthening of macroeconomic stability and boosting economic growth, modernization and diversification of leading sectors of economy, reforming the financial and banking sector, protection of private property and entrepreneurship, expansion foreign economic activity, drawing foreign investment, development of tourism, implementation of structural changes in agriculture;
  4. Development of the social sphere, aimed at gradual increase of wages, pensions and benefits, creation of jobs, providing citizens with affordable housing, modernization of utilities, social infrastructure, improving social welfare and health care system, education and science, youth policy;
  5. Ensuring security, inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance, implementation of balanced, mutually beneficial and constructive foreign policy, aimed at strengthening the independence and sovereignty of the state, creating a security belt around Uzbekistan, stability and good neighborly relations, promoting the positive image of the country abroad.

The project has proposed to form a National Commission for the implementation of the Uzbekistan’s Strategy on five priority areas for 2017-2021, and a Commission on the implementation of the selected priority areas.

The strategy will be implemented in five phases, each of which provides for approval of an annual National program for its implementation.

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