Friday, 14, February, 2025

An art exhibition on Tuberculosis through the Eyes of Young Artists opened December 11 at the Palace of Youth Creativity to raise awareness of tuberculosis (TB). Thirty-six young artists from the Kamoliddin Bekhzoda National Institute of Art and Design contributed 56 works of art to emphasize the importance of TB prevention, detection, and treatment, and to build community support to combat the stigma that often accompanies a TB diagnosis.

Zarnigor Abduvaitova, the first prize winner of the exhibition, noted: "Thanks to the USAID training, we learned that tuberculosis is a serious but curable illness. The treatment can be long and difficult and it's hard to fight this disease alone without support from family and friends. My work is devoted explicitly to the importance of medical treatment and support from loved ones that are so much needed by patients.”

The exhibition is part of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) TB Control Program, and was organized by the United States through USAID in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology, and the Kamoliddin Bekhzoda National Institute of Art and Design.

USAID supports the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan in implementing the National Tuberculosis Program by providing more effective and accessible TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for all, including vulnerable populations.

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