Saturday, 27, July, 2024


The National Road Safety Police violated the competition law during tenders, the Competition Development Committee said. Reportedly, the committee received a complaint regarding the police's holding of a tender on June 10 worth of 26.5 billion soums for the purchase of paints for road signs and glass products.

Man dressed as a woman wearing a hijab and a mask was arrested by police officers in Tashkent's Qoyliq market. The man was found to have committed an offense under Being in a public place in a manner that does not allow identification of his/her identity charge and resisting the performance of his duties by police officers charge of the Administrative liability code and was handed 7 days of administrative arrest.

Elections of members of the Legislative Chamber and Senate and deputies of provincial, city and district councils are scheduled for Sunday, October 27. This decision was made by the Central Election Commission at today’s meeting.

Uzgidromet announced the weather forecast for Saturday, July 27 in Tashkent city. The weather will be slightly cloudy, with no precipitation expected. The temperature will be +25...+27 degrees Celsius at night, and within +40...+42 degrees range during the day.

The Government issued a resolution on the creation of a Tashkent City Children's Multidisciplinary Hospital on Wednesday, the Ministry of Justice said. 

The Tashkent's Mirzo-Ulugbek District Criminal Court on July 24 considered an administrative case against a Khazarasp district resident, 36, in Khorezm province, who wrote a comment under the news about the end of the posting of the Israeli Ambassador to Uzbekistan.

The banks of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have begun to refuse to accept payments from Russian companies, the transport companies PEK, Digital VED, GTL and Logita Trade said in their respective reviews. reportedly, the refusal of payments through the banks of the Central Asian countries increased by 30% in July itself, and the duration of operations increased by 15%, reaching two weeks.

Footage showing 2 men secretly cutting down a tree in front of another man's house in Tashkent’s Mirzo Ulugbek district surfaced, Tashkent city police department said.

Eight people died in a car accident on the evening of July 22 in the Kungrad district of Karakalpakstan, the press service of the Interior Ministry said.

At the July 23 Legislative Chamber meeting, the MPs passed the Providing psychological assistance to the public Bill, the press service of the Chamber said.

Uzgidromet posted weather forecast for Thursday, July 25 in Tashkent city. The weather will be slightly cloudy, with no precipitation expected. The temperature will be +24...+26 degrees Celsius at night, and within +39...+41 degrees range during the day.

Employees of the Yahya Gulyamov Archaeological Institute in Samarkand, during excavations at the Kurgantepa monument in the village of Dzhuratepa, Urgut district, Samarkand province, discovered a temple dating back to the pre-Islamic period, the Samarkand Messenger said.

The Competition Committee has launched a case against the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, the Committee's press service said today.

The newly appointed ambassador of Uzbekistan, Nodir Ganiev has arrived in the capital of France, Dunyo agency said on Tuesday.

Professor, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Abdulakhat Kakhkharov, 73, was found dead in his Almazar apartment in Tashkent. Information about this surfaced on social networks. The press service of the Prosecutor General's Office confirmed his death.

The Legislative Chamber at a meeting today passed the bill regulating educational activities, the press service of the Chamber said.

The bill was developed by a group of MPs. According to UzA, the initiative developed by the Milliy Tiklanish party is aimed at combating individuals who give motivation lectures and promise to teach how to earn easy money. They are also called “infogypsies”.

At the meeting of the Senate Committee on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Foreign Investments and Tourism Issues, the senators considered Uzbekistan’s joining the reaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (London, Moscow and Washington, January 27, 1967).

Uzgidromet announced weather forecast for Wednesday, July 24 in Tashkent city. The weather will be slightly cloudy, with no precipitation expected. The temperature will be +23...+25 degrees Celsius at night, +38...+40 degrees during the day.

In Uzbekistan, authorities proposed the amendments to the Family Code prohibiting marriage between close relatives. The amendments were posted by the Committee on Family and Women's Affairs for public input.

Uzgidromet unveiled weather forecast in Tashkent city for the week. The weather will be slightly cloudy throughout the week, with no precipitation expected. On July 22-25, the weather will be slightly cloudy, there will be no precipitation. On Friday, the temperature will rise to +39...+41 degrees Celsius.