Saturday, 27, July, 2024

State oil and gas company Uzbekneftegaz imported $189.4 mn worth of goods and services from January to March 2024, recording a 79.8% to the projected value.

In 2024 Q1, natural gas made up the majority of Uzbekneftegaz's production, with the company producing 6.9 BCM of natural gas.

While exports topped $158.5 mln, imports stood at $189.4 mn during the same period, indicating a trade deficit for Uzbekneftegaz.

Uzbekneftegaz reported a net profit of UZS 8.1 bn ($640,100) in 2024 Q1. Total revenues reached UZS 3.4 trillion ($268.6 mn), while expenses topped UZS 3.4 trillion ($267.8 mn) during the same period.

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