Tuesday, 14, January, 2025

By the end of 2019 the proportion of electrified railway network in Uzbekistan will increase from the current 34% to 51%, a statement of the UzLiDeP’s website said.

In recent years, over 1.2 thousand kilometers of railroads were built and 3.8 thousand kilometers were modernized. Almost 1.1 thousand kilometers of railway tracks were electrified. As a result, the total length of railways reached 6.5 thousand kilometers.

Khavast to Bekabad, Khavast toJizzakh, Karshi to Marakand and Angren to Pap routes were fully electrified. High-speed passenger trains were launched on Tashkent-Samarkand-Bukhara route. As a result, the trains operation costs went down by 20% and passenger and freight traffic increased by 1.3 times, the first in Central Asia high-speed Afrosiyob train has been put in operation.

It should be noted that the construction of Bukhara to Miskin railway worth $ 283.1 million will increase the freight volume from Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan and Russia. The construction will be performed in two phases. In the first phase it is planned to build a 396.3 kilometer section for movement of trains with diesel traction, then, this section will be electrified.

Electrification of Pap-Namangan-Andijan-Kokand rail route, as a logical extention of the Angren-Pap electrified line, will not only link the Fergana valley with other regions of the country, but will also serve as a bridge between Europe and China, thus increasing Uzbekistan’s transit potential.

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