Saturday, 27, July, 2024


President of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang urged Vietnam and Uzbekistan to fully tap their cooperation potential in various fields while receiving Uzbekistan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, Mirzaev Zoyir in Hanoi on February 9, Nhan Dan reported.

At the Uzbek Competition Committee was held the meeting of the committee's senior executives with the officials of McKinsey & Co., a consulting company, headed by David Fine.

In Kuwait city was held the Uzbekistan-Kuwait Business Forum, which was attended by the Uzbek Foreign Ministry delegation, a statement of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry press service said.

33 large pharmaceutical plants will be commissioned by the end of the year in Uzbekistan, the chairman  UzPharmSanoat (transl. Uz Pharm Industry) group, Mirzanozim Dustmuradov announced at a meeting with journalists on Wednesday.

The Government of Uzbekistan and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) signed a Memorandum of Understanding providing for the participation of KFAED in the financing of social projects in Uzbekistan totaling US $ 60 million over the coming years.

Tashkent Inha University is expected to host the ICT Innovation Centre, a  free economic zone. This is stated in the draft Presidential decree which has been published for discussion on the portal of legal acts.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on February 3 visited Yakkasaray small industrial zone in the same district of Tashkent, UzA reported.

President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev on Friday familiarized with the project of construction of Tashkent Metallurgical Plant in Tashkent's Sergeli district, UzA reported.

The projects that are being implemented in the light industry are aimed at equipping enterprises with modern technology and further increase of finished products share in total output.

In January-December 2016, measures were taken aimed at implementation of investment projects included in the 2016 Investment Program, approved by the Presidential Decree PP-2458 of December 25, 2015.

Uzbekistan GTL company started construction of the synthetic fuel production plant, a statement on the project’s official website said.

Four refrigeration specialists from Uzbekistan representing private sector and academia participated in the international training for trainers on “Safe handling of Propane (R290) as ozone depleting substances-free refrigerant” held in Springe, Germany.

On January 17, 2017 the President issued a Decree "On measures to simplify and accelerate privatization of state-owned assets for business purposes", the Competition Committee announced.

The South Korean consortium including Daewoo and Hyundai completed the construction of two HRSGs, 450 MW each, at Talimardjan thermal power plant (TPP) in Kashkadarya region, UzbekEnergo announced.

USAID and GIZ co-hosted a forum in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 17 January 2017, to help facilitate better regional cooperation on transport and transit. USAID’s recently launched ‘Competitiveness, Trade, and Jobs in Central Asia’ activity and the GIZ's ‘Support to Regional Trade in Central Asia Program’ are seeking to improve regional connectivity and increase economic growth in Central Asia.

13.298 million people in Uzbekistan were employed as of the end of 2016, which is by 1.8% more compared to 2015, a statement of the Statistics Committee said.

At the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev focused on the key objectives for 2017: "We have to ensure the exports value to reach 10.8 billion dollars", - and defined the tasks that need to be resolved to this end:

President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev on January 6, 2016 signed a decree "On measures to optimize the investment project -"Construction of a plant for repair of excavators and tracked vehicles."

Uzbekistan’s GDP grew 7.8% in 2016. This was announced by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on Saturday's enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

A new smelter furnace has been commissioned in metallurgical shop of copper smelter plant of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex. According to AMMC, the start-up and commissioning works are currently ongoing.