Thursday, 06, February, 2025

The Senate backed the Bill allowing individuals to photograph and film law enforcement officers and distribute the footages Wednesday.

Earlier, Article 195-2, that was to be inserted into the Administrative Liability Code, was revised by the conciliation commission of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber.

Senators decided that the right to photograph and film law enforcement officers and distribute these materials shall not be limited.

The Bill stipulates a fine of 20 to 50 basic calculation units or up to 10-day administrative arrest for intentional distortion of a video recording by editing and its distribution for personal purposes.

Criminal liability is foreseen by the Bill for repetition of the offense.

“This means that individuals can freely record the actions of law enforcement officers and distribute these materials on social networks. In other words, citizen oversight over the activities of law enforcement officers is conserved in full. The Bill only requires that these materials are not distributed with the purpose of impeaching them,” said Kutbiddin Burkhanov, chairman of the Senate Committee on Defense and Security.

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