Saturday, 27, July, 2024


Korea Institute for Climate Change (KICC) partnered with the Korea Energy Agency (KEA) and the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan to set up an Energy Expert Training Center (EETC) in Tashkent.

Competition Committee found unreasonable increase in prices for mineral fertilizer products manufactured by Maxam-Chirchiq, the committee said in a statement.

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has called for a unified alphabet among Turkic states to strengthen regional cooperation. "In order to prevent global power rivalry from spilling over into our geography, we must tighten our ranks and use our capabilities for our common prosperity," Fidan said at an Organization of Turkic States (OTS) summit in Azerbaijan's Susha city on July 6.

On the day of July 8, temperatures in Uzbekistan will remain comfortable for mid-summer at +32...+35 degrees, in the south and desert zone - up to +38...+40 degrees, Uzgidromet said.

Yandex Uzbekistan vows to open an office in Tashkent in the fall, the company’s press service said. “The opening of the office will allow us to expand the team, expedite the launch of new products and scale the services already operating in the country,” the company said in a statement.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated Masoud Pezeshkian on being elected as the president of Iran, his spokesman Sherzod Asadov said.

The number of the retired in Uzbekistan surpassed 4 million, the Pension Fund said in a statement. Reportedly, as of June 1, 2024, the number of the retired has reached 4.8 million people. As of May 1, 2024, their number stood at 3.99 million.

Several young people and an investigator from a police department are suspected of raping a minor girl, in Navoi city, said on Monday.

The development of trade and transport routes, alternative energy and the joint fight against climate change - the president Shavkat Mirziyoyev called these areas as the priorities at the informal Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) on July 6 in the city of Shusha in Azerbaijan under the motto “Building a sustainable future through transport connectivity and combating climate change.”

Yesterday, on July 4, in Rishton district of Fergana province, a quarrel broke out between police officers and a driver. The conflict was prompted by the driver driving on a non-drivable part of the road. During the quarrel, the police officers used an electric shocker on the driver and took him to the nearby police service room. But later the man was taken out of the room unconscious on a stretcher: he was admitted to the intensive care unit of the district hospital.

EY (Ernst & Young) and IT Park Uzbekistan have signed an agreement to create a regulatory sandbox in Uzbekistan. The project is aimed to develop, implement, and support a special legal regime that will be integrated into the activities of the International Digital Technology Center "Enterprise Uzbekistan." This initiative is aimed at increasing the export potential of information technology and attracting investments to the country.

The MPs passed amendments to the Political Parties Law. They, in particular, proposed to ban the creation and activities of political parties of foreign countries and their divisions in Uzbekistan.

Another death of a child at an unregulated pedestrian crossing occurred in the Khatyrchi district of Navoi province. The footage of the tragedy circulated on social networks.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will visit Azerbaijan on July 5-6 to attend the informal summit of the Organization of Turkic States in Shusha city entitled: Building a sustainable future through transport connectivity and combating climate change, the presidential press service said.

Uzgidromet posted the weather forecast in Tashkent on Friday, July 5. The weather will be slightly cloudy, changeable from time to time, and with no precipitation expected. The temperatures will be +20...+22 degrees Celsius at night, and with +34...+36 degrees range during the day.

The sale price of UNG Petro gas stations network and the Chinaz oil refinery, owned by Uzbekneftegaz, could be at 519 billion soums, (at the average Central Bank exchange rate that month - $42.3 million), according to the company’s consolidated 2023 financial report with the auditor’s conclusion.

On July 4, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, the presidential press service said.

Humanitarian aid was sent to Kyrgyzstan on behalf of the president Shavkat Mirziyoyev, addressed to residents of the southern regions of Kyrgyzstan affected by the flood, Dunyo news agencysaid today.

Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights is studying a commercial with the participation of the Minister of Culture, Ozodbek Nazarbekov, the Committee’s press service reported.

Afghan Minister of Industry and Trade, Nooriddin Azizi landed in Uzbekistan. On July 3, at the Cabinet of Ministers The Afghan delegation including about 300 Afghan business leaders and delegates were hosted by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov.