Thursday, 06, February, 2025

The budget for 2025 of almost all state-owned media in Uzbekistan has risen compared to 2024, This has been stipulated by the 2025 state budget.

In particular, the budget of the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (NTRK), which owns a network of television and radio companies in provinces, the TV channels: Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan 24, Tashkent, Sports, Madaniyat va ma’rifat (Culture and Enlightenment, Dunyo bo’ylab (Around the World), Bolajon (Child), Mahalla, O’zbekiston Tarixi (Uzbekistan’s History) is 881.3 billion soums (about 68 million dollars), which is by 58.5% more than in 2024 (555.9 billion soums). By 2027, the budget may reach 1 trillion soums.

The budget implies that 108 billion soums will be spent on purchasing a mobile television station for football matches, and another 20 billion soums - on the complete transfer of the Uzbekistan 24 and Mahalla television and radio channels to HD format.

NTRK has been assigned a strategic goal within the framework of state programs - building an open civil society, forming democratic values ​​in the minds of people, covering national policies and the results of reforms within the framework of the implementation of the New Uzbekistan strategy through television and radio programs, as well as communicating them to society.

Meanwhile, the hurs of television programs for the next three years will not change. They will remain at the level of 198.19 thousand hours per year. But this year, an increase in radio broadcasts by 14% is expected - up to 60.08 thousand hours.

In the next three years, the number of TV channels (26) and radio channels (17) will not change.

The budget of the National Information Agency (UzA) will rise from 35.2 billion to 40.7 billion soums (+15.4%). The strategic objective of UzA is to provide objective and consistent coverage of the country's domestic and foreign policy course, socio-economic changes and updates in society, as well as the essence, significance and results of the deep reforms being carried out from the point of view of Uzbekistan's national interests.

The budget of the newspapers Yangi Uzbekiston (New Uzbekistan), Pravda Vostoka, Nurly Zhol and Ovozi Tojik will top 65.65 billion soums. Last year, it is projected that 4.14 billion soums will be contributed to finance the Kazakh-language newspaper Nurly Zhol and the republican socio-political newspaper in the Tajik language Ovozi Tojik.

In September of that year, the company signed a contract with the Lithuanian TVC Solutions to equip the Jizzakh Provincial Television and Radio Broadcasting Company with a modern studio complex and a mobile television station at the expense of the state budget for 58 billion soums (4.44 million euros).

In 2022, the company benefitted 463.6 billion soums of budget funds, in 2021 - 427.1 billion soums, in 2020 - 399.5 billion soums.


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