Sunday, 19, May, 2024

Commission was formed to create a single alphabet in order to expedite the process of language unity of Turkic countries. At the "Seminar on the Common Alphabet of the Turkic World" held in Bursa, Turkey, the decision to create a commission to create a single alphabet was presented to the Organization of Turkic States (OTS).

The head of the Turkish Language Society (TLS) Gürer Gülsevin, the head of TLS Council of Elders, the deputy chairman of Justice and Development Party of Turkey Binali Yıldırım attended the seminar.

At the seminar, the scientists of the Turkic countries emphasized the importance of accelerating the transition to a single alphabet and spreading it among the Turkic countries.

At the end of the seminar, it was decided to create a "Commission for creating a single alphabet" within the OTS. It includes two members from the official structure dealing with language policy in Turkic countries.

The Organization of Turkic States was established in 2009, and currently Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan are members of it. Hungary and Turkmenistan have observer status.

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