Friday, 24, January, 2025

The Senate will convene for fifty-first plenary meeting on March 30, 2024 via conference call. Among the items to be reviewed by the sentaors are the Telecommunications Bill, Amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, aimed at strengthening guarantees of the independence of the judiciary, informing the public about the activities of the courts and ensuring uniform judicial practice and other amendments.

While, the agenda of the plenary meeting also includes the Bill on Ratification of the MoM on Amendments to the Agreement on the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism” and the Regulation on the Procedure for Forming and Executing the Budget of the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism ( Tashkent, June 1, 2022).”

Senators will also consider the Bill on Ratification of the International Labor Organization Convention No. 156 concerning Equal Treatment and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women Workers: Workers with Family Responsibilities (Geneva, June 23, 1981).”

Also, senators will hear a report from the Ombudsman’s report for 2023.

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