Friday, 17, May, 2024

On Friday, in Karakalpakstan, Khorezm province and in the evening in Bukhara, Navai provinces, light precipitation is possible in some areas - rain and snow, precipitation is not expected in the rest of Uzbekistan, the Uzhydromet reported.

In the daytime, the air temperature will reach +4…+9 degrees Celsius.

Tomorrow, December 31, it will rain and snow in places in Tashkent, Samarkand, Jizzakh, Syrdarya provinces and the Ferghana Valley, and in Bukhara, Navoi provinces, precipitation is possible only at night.

The rest of the country will be without precipitation. The air temperature at night is −2…+3, during the day +2…+7.

On New Year's Eve, light snow in some places is possible only in the Tashkent province and the provinces of the Ferghana Valley, forecasters noted.

On January 1, most of the territory of the republic is expected to be without precipitation, only in the second half of the day it will snow across Karakalpakstan. The air temperature will not change significantly.

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