Friday, 17, May, 2024

137,457 births were recorded in Uzbekistan in January-February 2024. This is by 3,631, or 2.6% less than in the same period of 2023, the Statistics Agency said.

"First of all, the number of registered marriages is decreasing for the second year in a row, and in 2023 the lowest number of marriages in the new current administration was registered (283,800). A lower figure was recorded in 2016 (275 thousand).

Secondly, the number of divorces reached an all-time high of 49,200 in 2023, despite artificial bureaucratic obstacles. It is also possible that this number does not represent the current reality and is an effect of the easing of barriers from previous years.

Thirdly, and most importantly, income growth has slowed dramatically. Excluding the pandemic year, real per capita income growth in 2023 slowed to a seven-year low of 2.4 percent, while in 5 provinces real incomes have decreased.

"The long-term trend of birth rates is again shaped by many factors, such as urbanization, gender challenges, migration, and confidence for the future.

The number of annual births in Uzbekistan had been continuously growing since 2018.

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